Thursday, January 17, 2013

Opportunity Is A-Knockin'

I don't think I could have made it through the last 6 weeks without Mitch's love and support. After leaving my job, things got a little on the rougher side for me. The economy isn't exactly in it's prime. I've spent this time reflecting on what my goals truly are and what I want for myself as well for Mitch and I and our future.

I've come to see that life is happening right now. You don't get any retakes. This is it and it's time to take it seriously. I've decided to come up with a budget and a stern savings plan that is achievable. No sense in setting yourself up for failure! I've figured out what I want to get accomplished this year and where I want my life to be in a year. Starting out small isn't a bad thing, we've all got to start somewhere.

Mitch got good news a couple of days ago.. He's getting to move from swing shift to daylight for 9 months! He has been offered an amazing learning opportunity to further his career and with that, he will get an awesome M-F schedule! He was on daylight last year for about three and a half months and it was great!

My awesome news came about the same time.. I was offered an amazing position with an even more amazing company. The people are wonderful, the mission and goals are fantastic, growth is unstoppable and the benefits are great! I can't even explain how excited I am to move my career in this direction!

I'm really excited that we will have matching schedules (for the most part) and be able to further grow our relationship. I'm so blessed that Mitch gave me so much support and had the patience to let me find a place where I felt I truly belonged.

This is our year.. I just know it! :)

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