Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Patience, Progress & Praise

Whoa, where is the time going?! Seriously! It's already been almost a month since I've written.. time is just getting away from me. 

Let's see, Mitch and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary last month :-) I'm so thankful to have found the one that I will spend the rest of my life with, maybe (and this is s a BIG maybe) have a little one with.. I'm not sold on the kids thing, yet and having someone to love and love me back. Coming home to him EVERY day is one of my most favorite things in life. Valentine's day was last week and, of course, he made that special :-) He can be romantic at just the right times!

Work has been insane but I'm a-okay with that. My boss is on a cruise for the next 10 days, so things are a bit on the hectic side. I am certainly blessed where I am. For the first time in my life, I enjoy getting up and going to work! I also started at the bridal shop here in E-Town and I LOVE it! I only work one day a weekend and one whole weekend a month so that I can have some time to myself, too. 

I have started hitting the gym at 5am! I must say, I'm not a fan of being awake and moving around at that time, but I feel much better after it's over. I try to go twice a day most days. Mitch tries to convince me to take a day off.. he very rarely succeeds ;) I'm thankful for his support and him making it possible for me to have a personal trainer. That extra kick in the pants definitely helps in the morning! 

We had a great time at Beard and Kerri's house this past weekend! It was the annual winter bbq- always a good time! We were able to meet some new people, too! We decided to stop at a nice restaurant on our way home and have some alone time. We're kind of considering moving down that way. It's just a thought in the back of our minds. We'll see. I want to keep our house forever (mainly because I'm sick of moving.. the military does that to you) but he kind of wants us to pick a new one. I'm trying to avoid that :)

I'm so blessed beyond comprehension. God is working in amazing ways in my life and our life as a couple. He has been opening so many doors for us lately. I'm really getting excited about possibly teaching my own ESL course :)!!! I would be working with adult immigrants. I can hardly wait to see where this takes me! 

There's so much more to go on and on about but I'll be honest, I'm beat. It's time for a few minutes of down time with my fella before we call it a night. 4:30 comes early! (He gets to sleep later than me now that he's on daylight! Makes getting up even harder!).

Random thought of the day: When you're thinking about losing your patience with someone, think about how patient God has been with you. This has been big for me lately.

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